Staff Fighting Techniques<p>A downward thrust is a basic technique you can use after you have knocked an opponent to the ground. To execute a downward thrust, hold the bo staff in a standard grip. Raise your right hand and lower your left hand so that the

Basic Staff Fighting Techniques

The possibility that the name derives from the way the staff is held, the right hand grasping it one-quarter of the distance from the lower end, is suggested in Encyclopædia Britannica.[4] While this interpretation may have given rise to such positions in 19th-century manuals, it probably arose by popular etymology. The Oxford English Dictionary, in support of its explanation of the "quarter" in origin referring to the way the staff was made, points to an early attestation of the term, dated to 1590, Plodding through Aldersgate, all armed as I was, with a quarter Ashe staffe on my shoulder.

Staff Fighting Classes

PRACTICE  BOTH SINGLE AND DOUBLE STICK DRILLS  The only real way to improve your stick combat skills is to regularly engage in a variety of different drills. These exercises can be performed with either one or two rattan sticks at the same time. That's right! Two sticks at the same time (also know as double stick training).

A basic sweep is performed similarly to a reverse strike. To perform a sweep, start in the same position that you ended up in on the reverse strike. One end of the bo staff should be under your armpit and the other end should be pointed straight out in front of you. Move the striking end of the bo staff toward your opponent’s ankles on the right side of his body. Quickly pivot your hips to the right as you sweep your opponent’s legs out from underneath him.

The rising block is a basic technique used to defend against an overhead attack. To execute this block, hold the bo staff in a standard grip. Grab the staff so that your hands divide it into three equal sections. Your right palm should face up and your left palm should face down. To block, keep the weapon parallel to the floor and raise it above your head. The rising block can defend against a stick or sword strike aimed at your head. Make sure you block your opponent’s weapon with the middle section of your staff.

Now, I'm the first to state it's highly unlikely that you will be faced with a situation where you will fight a criminal adversary with two sticks in your hands. Perhaps in a Rambo movie but not in a real world self defense situation. So why is it important to practice fighting with two sticks (also called double stick training) at the same time? Well, the following list will show you just how beneficial it can be for the aspiring martial artists and self defense technician.